He reigns from a manger throne, signifying that His kingship is not of this world, but it is eternal and spiritual. 'Glory be to You alone, King who reigns from a manger throne.' This chorus reminds us that even in His humble entrance into the world, Jesus is the true King. This act of humility speaks volumes about God's character and His heart for humanity. The King of kings, the Lord of lords, chose to enter our world not as a conqueror but as a vulnerable child in a lowly manger. This choice reminds us of God's incredible love and humility. But instead, He chose meekness over majesty, wrapped His divine power in humanity. He could have appeared in the grandeur of royalty and majesty, causing the entire world to bow down before Him. The song begins by reflecting on the magnificence of God, the Creator of the universe, who could have arrived with great fanfare and splendor. The song Manger Throne by Phil Wickham beautifully captures the essence of this humble yet profoundly powerful event. We celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, who came to this world in the humblest of circumstances. In the midst of the joyful and bustling Christmas season, it is easy to get caught up in the festivities, the decorations, and the giving of gifts.